On May 29th, 2021 Conference NAVITA took place in St. Petersburg, Russia. Na-vita https://na-vita.ru– is a National Conference on Alternative Opinion.
The conference was devoted to sensitive issues of healthcare, laws, parentship, sharing parents’ experience, and finally how to live free and happy. There were 11 speakers – recognized medical doctors, activists, teachers, psychologists, lawyers. Professor George Vithoulkas was invited to talk on “How Healthier Children Can Be Born” https://www.vithoulkas.com/research/scientific-papers/how-can-healthier-children-be-born-hypothesis-how-create-better-human.
The live session from Alonissos was held with simultaneous translation. 10000 people both off-line and online attended this beautiful event, which was conducted by two show hosts – popular Russian celebrities. The organizers have got a lot of delighted comments on the speech of Prof. Vithoulkas.