On the 4th and 5th of November 2023, the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy arranged a Webinar on the Role of Classical Homeopathy in Dermatological Diseases, under the guidance of Prof. George Vithoulkas.
This new event in the “Watch and Learn Series Webinars” was attended by 954 participants from 62 countries.
The magnanimous participation and involvement of the attendees made the webinar a great success. The two days full of knowledge and profound experience of the teachings of Prof. George Vithoulkas created a deep impact on everyone’s mind and soul.
The best moments of the webinar were when Prof Vithoulkas came live and began by delivering an astounding lecture on the origin of diseases and how the first ever predisposition in human mankind was created and its relation with the present chronic diseases. The next amazing session was by Prof. Vithoulkas to the pertinent question –
“How Homeopathy Works ?” in which he gave the most logical explanation of how the homeopathic remedy works. He also announced about a Research paper, which is completed and submitted to a journal and which offers further evidence on the action of high potencies of homeopathic remedies.
The teamwork of all members of IACH including Lecturers, Dr. Atul Jaggi, Dr. Seema Mahesh, Dr. Mahesh Mallappa, Dr. Latika Jaggi, and Cristina Horvath, Translators with their Assistants, Administrators, Technicians, and above all the Director of the Academy, Ms Maria Chorianopolou, generated an atmosphere whereby every participant gained and benefitted in classical homeopathy. This is the real globalization, as Prof. Vithoulkas calls it.