On the 15th and the 16th of April 2022, the Cheboksary University in Russia organised a conference about “Personalized Approach to Medical Rehabilitation” . Many Doctors and Professors of Medicine participated in that and it was much appreciated. Prof George Vithoulkas delivered a lecture about the “transmutation of acute diseases to chronic”, Dr Seema Mahesh presented the Research work of IACH, Dr Atul Jaggi presented a very well documented case, Cristina Horvath presented a case with long follow ups taken by Prof. Vithoulkas, Dr Nadezhda Kubasheva delivered a lecture about Levels of Health and Dr Tamara Kozymenko President of UNION for Diplomate Homeopathic Physicians – Udihop spoke about UDiHoP and expansion of our Diploma Holders. Many thanks to Maria Likhacheva who supported us with translation from English to Russian.
Scientific Conference at Cheboksary University